1.2.4 Aster
This is the fourth patch in the Aster 1.2 series.
Notable changes
Change openstack rabbitmq queues to quorum queue.
Create a haproxy config file for each service. all services are used to be in /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. Now each service file is in /etc/haproxy/conf.d/.
Add quorum-replica for quorum-required services like mariadb and rabbitmq. All other services set to ha-replica. If there are 3 control nodes, quorum-replica is 3 and ha-replica is 2.
Add kube-apiserver LoadBalance support. It used to listen to all interfaces. Now it listens on management interface and haproxy on Keepalived VIP distributes the traffic to each kube-apiserver.
Add HA settings for HAProxy/KeepAlived and Kubernetes in vars.yml. There are three ha levels - moderato, allegro, and vivace.
moderato: default liveness update and failover response
allegro: faster liveness update and failover response
vivace: fastest liveness update and failover response
Add Graceful Node Shutdown Helper (GNSH) to help shutting down the node gracefully. Refer to the following link Graceful Node Shutdown
Burrito Changelog
feature(powerflex): Add until/retries/delay for changing mdm password and sds devices tasks; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature(powerflex): Create powerflex haproxy LB file instead of add the section in haproxy.cfg.; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
fix: typo in Genesis Registry | templating registry haproxy config; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: set sysctl file for k8s kernel parameters; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
There is no need to set up a custom rsyslog.conf so remove the task from burrito.common playbook.; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
adjust rabbitmq PVC size to 10Gib/c 768Mi seems too small.; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
change sleep to 20 seconds in gnsh script; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
change registry patch task in burrito.genesisregistry; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
refactor: move deploy_ssh_key to do-not-edit area and set it to true; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
remove LABELS_JSON variable in gnsh script; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
remove node delete rule; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: add HA tuning parameters; split replicas with quorum_replicas; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: add localrepo LB config in localrepo role; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: add ceph and kube-apiserver LB config in haproxy; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
patch: kube-apiserver bind address to mgmt ip; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: add Graceful Node Shutdown Helper (GNSH) role; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: add registry.cfg file in genesis registry role; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: change bind ip to mgmt ip for kube-apiserver; replace not-ready/unreachable toleration from static to variable; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: kube-apiserver LB support in burrito.system role; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: change replicas to quorum_replicas in mariadb and rabbitmq; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
enhance: change localrepo haproxy config from inline to standalone config file; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: move ceph-rgw config to standalone file; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: add kube-apiserver LB in haproxy; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
enhance: change genesis registry haproxy config from inline to standalone config file; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
patch: change resitry to deployment; remove priorityClass; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: add gnsh role in landing playbook; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: reload haproxy service instead of restarting it; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature: set openstack rabbitmq queues to quorum; (jijisa@iorchard.net)