1.2.4 Aster

This is the fourth patch in the Aster 1.2 series.

Notable changes

  • Change openstack rabbitmq queues to quorum queue.

  • Create a haproxy config file for each service. all services are used to be in /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. Now each service file is in /etc/haproxy/conf.d/.

  • Add quorum-replica for quorum-required services like mariadb and rabbitmq. All other services set to ha-replica. If there are 3 control nodes, quorum-replica is 3 and ha-replica is 2.

  • Add kube-apiserver LoadBalance support. It used to listen to all interfaces. Now it listens on management interface and haproxy on Keepalived VIP distributes the traffic to each kube-apiserver.

  • Add HA settings for HAProxy/KeepAlived and Kubernetes in vars.yml. There are three ha levels - moderato, allegro, and vivace.

    • moderato: default liveness update and failover response

    • allegro: faster liveness update and failover response

    • vivace: fastest liveness update and failover response

  • Add Graceful Node Shutdown Helper (GNSH) to help shutting down the node gracefully. Refer to the following link Graceful Node Shutdown

Burrito Changelog