1.2.5 Aster

This is the 5th patch in the Aster 1.2 series.

Notable changes

  • Add StatefulSet type to cinder-volume and glance-api in addition to Deployment type. The default type is Deployment.

  • Add PVC to cinder-volume and glance-api to prevent node root filesystem from being used by OpenStack volume-to-image conversion operation.

    The PVC in cinder-volume is mounted at /var/lib/cinder/conversion and the PVC in glance-api is mounted at /var/cache/nginx/client_temp in nginx frontend container.

    The PVC access mode is set based on what the default storage backend is.

    If the default storage backend is netapp, the PVC access mode is set to ReadWriteMany and the default deployment type is used for cinder-volume and glance-api.

    If the default storage backend is ceph or powerflex, the PVC access mode is set to ReadWriteOnce and the StatefulSet type is used for cinder-volume and glance-api.

  • Set kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler to bind localhost ( for security.

  • Remove localrepo and registry haproxy config files when running clean_k8s.sh since the localrepo and registry pods are already gone when cleaning kubernetes cluster.

Burrito Changelog

  • fix: Remove nfsvers from nfsMountOptions in trident backend json; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • remove delegate_to and run_once. sometimes it gives error when the picked host is one of storage node because storage node may not have service network ip. add inventory_hostname == groups[‘kube_control_plane’][0] in when clause.; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • fix(vars): fix typo in cinder_vol_deploy_type_map variable; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • feature(mariadb): disable local_infile in mariadb; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • fix(openstack): Deployment PVC support for cinder-volume and glance-api; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • feature(clean_k8s.sh): add haproxy reload; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • feature(k8s): bind for kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • feature(clean_k8s.sh): remove localrepo and registry haproxy config files; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • feature(openstack): add PVC to cinder-volume and glance-api; (jijisa@iorchard.net)

  • fix: remove btx in bashrc when clean_openstack.sh script runs; (jijisa@iorchard.net)