Install Asklepios

This is a guide to installing Asklepios where Burrito versions prior to 1.4.0 is already installed.

Reqeust for the asklepios tarball (asklepios.tar.gz) to .

  1. Go to burrito directory and unarchive the tarball.:

    $ cd /path/to/burrito/directory
    $ tar xzf /path/to/asklepios.tar.gz
  2. Add –feature-gates parameter in kube-controller-manager if and only if the kubernetes version is v1.24.x.


Skip this step if your kubernetes version is v1.25 or later. Go to step 3.

Get the kubernetes version.:

$ sudo kubectl get nodes
NAME       STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
compute    Ready    <none>          3d3h   v1.24.8
control1   Ready    control-plane   3d3h   v1.24.8
control2   Ready    control-plane   3d3h   v1.24.8
control3   Ready    control-plane   3d3h   v1.24.8

If your kubernetes version is v1.24.x, add –feature-gates=NodeOutOfServiceVolumeDetach=true to the kube-controller-manager manifest file on all control nodes.:

$ sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml
  - command:
    - kube-controller-manager
    - --feature-gates=NodeOutOfServiceVolumeDetach=true
    - --allocate-node-cidrs=true

The kube-controller-manager will be recreated and running.

Verify the feature is added.:

$ ps axuww |grep NodeOutOf
root     1927410 16.8  0.5 828872 86204 ?        Ssl  16:15   0:02 kube-controller-manager --feature-gates=NodeOutOfServiceVolumeDetach=true ...
  1. Import, tag the asklepios image and push it to the genesis registry.:

    $ zcat asklepios-0.2.0.tgz | sudo ctr -n images import -
    $ sudo ctr -n images tag --force \
    $ sudo ctr -n images push --plain-http \

Verify the new image is uploaded to the genesis registry.:

$ curl -s KEEPALIVED_VIP:6000/v2/jijisa/asklepios/tags/list | jq
  "name": "jijisa/asklepios",
  "tags": [


Modify KEEPALIVED_VIP to match your site.

  1. Disable gnsh systemd service on each kubernetes node.:

    $ sudo systemctl disable gnsh.service
  2. Install Asklepios auto-healing service.:

    $ ./ asklepios

Verify Asklepios is running on kube-system namespace.:

root@btx-0:/# k get po -l app=asklepios -n kube-system
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
asklepios-784cb67dc8-4m6wz   1/1     Running   0          25m

That’s all!

You’ve completed the installation of Asklepios.

HA failover test

Asklepios checks the control nodes status every 10 seconds. Here are the logs.:

I0419 08:57:29.755918       1 serve.go:154] "Node is ready" node="control1" status="True" kickedIn=true
I0419 08:57:29.777117       1 serve.go:154] "Node is ready" node="control2" status="True" kickedIn=true
I0419 08:57:29.800869       1 serve.go:154] "Node is ready" node="control3" status="True" kickedIn=true

Non-graceful node shutdown test

When a node is terminated abnormally, it became in NotReady status.

Terminate a node non-gracefully. (I used virsh destroy command to terminate the control2 VM.):

$ virsh destroy control2

See the control2 node status changed.:

NAME       STATUS      ROLES           AGE    VERSION
control2   NotReady    control-plane   154m   v1.29.2

The control2 node becomes NotReady. Asklepios will count down the kickout timeout and set the node unschedulable and add the out-of-service taint on the node after timeout expiry.:

I0305 05:43:06.488590       1 serve.go:145] "Node is not ready" node="control2" status="False" kickedOut=false timeToKickOut=51
I0305 05:44:08.882515       1 k8s.go:167] "Succeeded to process the node" node="control2" action="Make the node unschedulable"
I0305 05:44:12.524590       1 k8s.go:131] "Succeeded to process the node" node="control2" action="Add the out-of-service taint"

Now, see the control2 node status.:

NAME       STATUS                         ROLES           AGE    VERSION
control2   NotReady,SchedulingDisabled    control-plane   154m   v1.29.2

It becomes NotReady,SchedulingDisabled.

Look at the statefulset pods - mariadb and rabbitmq.:

mariadb-server-0      1/1     Running   0          26h    control1   <none>           <none>
mariadb-server-1      1/1     Running   0          14m   control3   <none>           <none>
mariadb-server-2      1/1     Running   0          3m23s   control3   <none>           <none>
rabbitmq-rabbitmq-0   1/1     Running   0          90m   control3   <none>           <none>
rabbitmq-rabbitmq-1   1/1     Running   0          3m23s   control3   <none>           <none>
rabbitmq-rabbitmq-2   1/1     Running   0          26h    control1   <none>           <none>

The pods (mariadb-server-2 and rabbitmq-rabbitmq-1) are moved to control3.

Restore the non-graceful shutdown node

Start the abnormally terminated node. (I used virsh start command to terminate the control2 VM.):

$ virsh start control2

Now, see the control2 node status.:

NAME       STATUS                      ROLES           AGE    VERSION
control2   Ready,SchedulingDisabled    control-plane   160m   v1.29.2

The kubelet daemon is started on the node but it is still cordoned. So the control2 status is Ready,SchedulingDisabled.

Asklepios will count down the kickin timeout and set the node schedulable and remove the out-of-service taint on the node after the timeout expiry.:

I0326 16:36:43.031326 1949139 k8s.go:342] "Succeeded to process the node" node="control2" action="Make the node schedulable"
I0326 16:36:46.092946 1949139 k8s.go:306] "Succeeded to process the node" node="control2" action="Remove the out-of-service taint"

If you set askleios.balancer to true (Asklepios config file is burrito/roles/burrito.asklepios/defaults/main.yml.), Asklepios will move mariadb and rabbitmq pods to the recovered node.:

I0326 16:36:46.159824 1949139 k8s.go:270] "Check RabbitMQ duplicate pods" dupFound=true podToKill="rabbitmq-rabbitmq-1"
I0326 16:36:46.427518 1949139 k8s.go:221] "Check MariaDB duplicate pods" dupFound=true podToKill="mariadb-server-2"
I0326 16:36:46.774089 1949139 serve.go:153] "Node is ready" node="control3" status="True" kickedIn=true
I0326 16:36:47.126138 1949139 k8s.go:270] "Check RabbitMQ duplicate pods" dupFound=true podToKill="rabbitmq-rabbitmq-1"
I0326 16:36:47.462799 1949139 k8s.go:221] "Check MariaDB duplicate pods" dupFound=true podToKill="mariadb-server-2"

See the mariadb and rabbitmq pods.:

mariadb-server-0      1/1     Running   0          26h    control1   <none>           <none>
mariadb-server-1      1/1     Running   0          25m   control3   <none>           <none>
mariadb-server-2      1/1     Running   0          65s   control2   <none>           <none>
rabbitmq-rabbitmq-0   1/1     Running   0          101m   control3   <none>           <none>
rabbitmq-rabbitmq-1   1/1     Running   0          59s   control2   <none>           <none>
rabbitmq-rabbitmq-2   1/1     Running   0          26h    control1   <none>           <none>

The mariadb-server-2 and rabbitmq-rabbitmq-1 are moved to the control2 node.