2.0.6 Begonia
This is the 6th patch in the Begonia 2.0 series.
Notable Changes
There was an nova configuration issue when netapp was the default storage.
We changed the default glance store type from file to cinder When netapp is the default storage.
And there is volume_use_multipath config in libvirt section of nova.conf. It is set to true when glance store type is cinder.
There will be an error when nova-compute tries to attach the volume since multipath is not working for netapp NFS backend.
We added enable_multipath variable which is used by volume_use_multipath variable to fix this problem.
upgrade btx to 2.0.2; btx: add persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy to Retain in statefulset.yaml; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
fix(openstack): add enable_multipath variable in vars.yml.sample; it is used by libvirt in nova.conf; (jijisa@iorchard.net)