2.1.3 Begonia
This is the third patch in the Begonia 2.1 series.
Notable Changes
Fix: kubernetes certificate renewal script (k8s-certs-renew.sh) (issue #254)
Enhancement: Upgrade NetApp Trident to 24.06.1. (issue #255)
Feature: Support Dell/EMC PowerStore storage backend. (issue #232)
Enhancement: Use PVC for glance store if PowerFlex is the storage backend (issue #246)
update patch file - 12-patch-kubespray-control-plane-k8s-certs-renew.sh.j2.txt; (jijisa@iorchard.co.kr)
update cinder.allowed_direct_url_schemes; (jijisa@iorchard.co.kr)
update NetApp trident-installer in bin.txt; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
add patch files to fix k8s-certs-renew.sh; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
update netapp trident version to 24.06.1; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
add Topology=false feature-gates since csi-provisioner 5+ enables it by default; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
add Topology=false feature-gates since csi-provisioner 5+ enables it by default; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
change fsType to csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype for netapp storageclass definition; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
update netapp tasks to remove both netapp artifacts and download directory; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
update 12-patch-kubespray-control-plane-kubeadm-secondary.txt for robustness; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
update cinder-volume.sh script to update powerstore nfs driver; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
add powerstore to storage_backends in vars.yml.sample; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
put the second bind in localrepo haproxy config only on the first control plane node; it is needed by adding control plane nodes; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
modify powerstore config in cinder.yml.j2; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
add a patch file - 12-patch-kubespray-control-plane-kubeadm-fix-apiserver.txt; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
fix glance_api_jobs_dependencies variable typo; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
remove client_cert is changed condition when writing client certificate file on servers. The task is skipped when the new control plane node is added due to this condition.; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
remove the second bind in localrepo haproxy configuration; it is not necessary.; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
move haproxy setup tasks off of main tasks for modularity; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
add tags to burrito.ceph tasks to run tasks seletively; (jijisa@iorchard.net)
feature/storage/powerstore (#252); (jijisa@iorchard.net)
Use PVC for glance store if powerflex is the storage backend (#248); (jijisa@iorchard.net)